

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Friday, January 27, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - When I Was Eight

Today we read this book (it's based on a true story) in Social Studies. It's about an Inuit girl (Olemaun) in the olden days when they made Inuit and First Nations kids go away to live at school. They made her cut her hair and gave her a new name (Margaret). There was a nun and she tricked the girl and locked her in the basement once as a punishment. The nun and some of the other girls were mean to Margaret because she couldn't read when she first got there. The nun made Margaret do lots of chores. In the end she learned to read and it make her feel joyful and proud. We feel really sad that they made Inuit and First Nations kids like this go to schools where they forced them to do all this stuff and that they took them away from their parents. - the students of Mr. Hoeppner's class via Instagram

Friday, January 20, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 'AWESOME!' writing: whole-class write; creating criteria

Over the past few days we have been working on more 'AWESOME!' writing - together we wrote about Mr. Groves, our school custodian, and how wonderful he is. Today we invited him to our class and read our 'AWESOME!' writing to him - we made him cry with joy. After that, we made an 'AWESOME!' writing criteria list. (the students of 3A) via Instagram

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - learning about multiplication using arrays

We've been studying arrays in Math this week. We started off by doing some work together using the projector, and then the students created their own arrays which they then shared with their classmates. Some students even took the time to make their own arrays after school, and then brought them in to show the class - I'm so impressed with all of my mathematicians! via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - 'AWESOME!' writing: the teachers write!

We've been continuing our 'Awesome!!' writing in class, with both Ms. Fazenda and I writing in front of our classes about things that are awesome to each of us. Ms. Fazenda wrote about how much she loves eating breadsticks with cheese spread and gummies, while I wrote about how much I love watching the Zamboni clean the ice at hockey games. Up next, our students will all work together to write about one thing that they think is awesome. (Zamboni photo credit: Winnipeg Jets). via Instagram

Friday, January 13, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - new books!

This morning we reorganized our classroom library, as I've acquired a lot of new books recently that I wanted to add into it. However, before they had a chance to choose one of the new books, Ms Maneluk talked to the students about how to properly pick a book to read. We had talked about this earlier in the school year, but today was a great time for a refresher. via Instagram

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - telling time in groups

Lots of fun this afternoon in Math, as the students worked to see which table group could get the most answers right in our time-telling game - almost everyone got every answer correct! via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - 'AWESOME!' writing: kickoff

Ms. Fazenda and I introduced our next writing project to the class today: 'Awesome' writing (based on Neil Pasricha's 'Book of Awesome'). We read a few entries from his books to kick things off today - we're really excited to see what 'Awesome' things our students will eventually write about! via Instagram

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - number sentences (73)

The students shared number sentences this morning. Not too bad for the second day back from a long break - glad to see they didn't forget everything they learned during the first four months of school! via Instagram

Monday, January 9, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - back after Winter Break

After a good 2 weeks of rest and relaxation, it was back to work today. We spent most of the afternoon doing Math stations - the students did a great job! via Instagram