

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Friday, October 30, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - Smarties Math Challenge

Happy #Halloween! We're doing the Smarties Math Challenge this morning - what fun Halloween activities is your class up to? via Instagram

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - studying 'How To' videos as procedural writing

As part of our exploration of procedural writing, we looked at some 'How To' videos online today, and made note of what they did a good job of, and what we might have done differently if we had made them. via Instagram

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - Ms. Fazenda modeling procedural writing

This afternoon, it's Ms. Fazenda's turn to model procedural writing for the students of 3A and 3B by writing about something she has lots of experience with: how to clean the degu cage in her classroom (P.S. Degus are super-cute!). via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - Mr. H. modeling procedural writing

Over the past few days, I've been modeling procedural writing for the students of 3A and 3B by writing about something I have lots of experience with: how to prepare a teardrop trailer for a camping trip. via Instagram

Friday, October 23, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - MTS PD Day

Today, while my students had the day off from school, I had a fantastic day at the #SAGE2015lim #MTSPDDay learning about makerspacing - lots of cool ideas, including a couple that I hope to bring back to the classroom! via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - Agriculture In The Classroom breakfast

Here's a #latergram from yesterday - we were fortunate enough to have Agriculture In The Classroom come and feed our whole school breakfast, and have farmers and industry types tell us where the food came from! You can read more about it here. via Instagram

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - magnets!

Magnets! #ScienceRules via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - learning about elections!

We've been talking a lot about #elxn42 in class over the last couple of weeks, and today we finally had time to run our own mock election, to learn more about the process - lots of fun! via Instagram

Writing and sandwiches

Yesterday we started talking about procedural writing - procedural writing is when you tell people how to make or do something that they don't know how to do. We wrote about how to make a peanut butter sandwich, and then today Ms. Fazenda and Mr. Hoeppner made sandwiches with Wowbutter (it's peanut-free, don't worry!) and jam by following the directions that we wrote. When they started making them, the teachers ended up getting mixed up because the instructions weren't specific, and everyone was laughing - here are some examples of how mixed up things got:

Could you eat this sandwich?! (note: the jar is peanut-free Wowbutter)

How about this one?! (note: the jar is peanut-free Wowbutter)

Finally, we got some recipes that weren't mixed up because the instructions were right. After that, Ms. Fazenda and Mr. Hoeppner made Wowbutter sandwiches for everyone in 3A and 3B - here's the proof:

(photo by Ivan)

The sandwiches were delicious and we enjoyed them - we had lots of fun! Thanks to Ms. Fazenda and Mr. Hoeppner for the snack! - The students of 3B

Sandwich selfie!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - Exploring with magnets

We're working with magnets today. We started off by making some predictions of what would be attracted to a magnet, and then testing our predictions. After that, we went for a 'magnet walk' in the school. #ScienceRules via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - Too Noisy

We tried out a new app in the class today called 'Too Noisy', to help us keep the noise down during quiet times - the class loved it! via Instagram

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - Bill Nye!

It was great to introduce another group of students to the awesomeness that is Bill Nye. Today we watched the episode on Magnetism, as part of our unit on forces that attract and repel. #sciencerules via Instagram

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - X-Country meet!

One of my favourite days of the year: the divisional cross-country meet! via Instagram

Here's the route that the students ran for the cross-country meet. via Instagram