

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

The latest from our class Instagram account - Thanks for a great year!

...and just like that, the year is over. A huge THANK YOU to the wonderful group of students I was fortunate enough to teach this year, their families, and our amazing staff for making my first year at BWCS such a fantastic one! You are all wonderful - have a fantastic summer!!! via Instagram

1SE video - what a great year!

1 Second Everyday (or 1SE) is an iOS app I've used for a couple of years, both in my classroom and in my home life. How it works is that it takes video that you've recorded (or photos, if you've forgotten to take video) and compiles it into a video where each day is represented by 1 second of video. This 1SE video represents our 2015-16 school year (with the exception of a few days where I was away from school... or just plum forgot!) - we hope you enjoy it!

Speaking of the school year, it's hard to believe that it's over already - it's been a privilege to be able to teach this group of students, and it's been a privilege to teach at Bernie Wolfe Community School. Thank you to all of the students, staff, and parents who made my first year here such a great experience. I wish you all a great summer - see you again in the fall!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The latest from our class Instagram account - a little wet out there!

Even though it was (a lot!) wetter than I thought it'd be, the students were real troopers, and hardly complained at all - in fact, once their feet were soaked, they totally embraced it! As a reward, after the walk we went to 7-11 for Slurpees (where they all used excellent manners in the store). What a great day - I'm going to miss this crew! #lovenature via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - beautiful tall grass prairie

Lots of great things to see at the Tall Grass Prairie Preserve on Regent Avenue. #lovenature via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - Great day for a nature walk!

A great day for a nature walk - off to the Tall Grass Prairie Preserve on Regent Avenue! The students had a great time doing a summer nature walk bingo while we were there. #lovenature via Instagram

Monday, June 27, 2016

The latest from our class Instagram account - Social Studies!

Continuing our study of 'Communities of the World' in Social Studies this afternoon. #uefa #england #iceland via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - one more outdoor adventure with Ms. Petersen's class

We went for one last outdoor adventure with our friends from Ms. Petersen's Grade 1 class to celebrate the (almost) end of the school year - we walked a few blocks to a neighbourhood park I'd never been to before. Ms. Petersen and I are really looking forward to doing even more outdoor learning with our classes next year - we've already begun planning for it! #lovenature via Instagram

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

All About Mexico video!

Through much of the spring, our class has been involved in an inquiry project on Mexico, working together with Ms. Ziemanski, our teacher-librarian. The students learned a lot about Mexico, and used their new knowledge to write a script for a video. Ms. Ziemianski ordered in a green screen kit for the school, and we got to use it to make our video - in fact, we were the first class in the school that got to try it out! The students chose the background pictures (using rights-free Creative Commons images) to correspond with the topics they were presenting on, I found some Mexican-flavoured rights-free Creative Commons music to use as the soundtrack, threw it all into iMovie, and... voila! We hope you enjoy, and learn something about the great country of Mexico!


The latest from our class Instagram account - a jam-packed day!

Teachers in the dunk tank in the morning, and then Mr. Ken the magician and our classroom Celebration of Learning this afternoon - what a busy (and great) day!! via Instagram

Monday, June 20, 2016

The latest from our class Instagram account - Canola Learning Centre (free swag!)

Added bonus from our awesome field trip to the Canola Learning Centre - everyone got a free shirt and recipe books! #canolaconnect #eatwellcanolaoil via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - Canola Learning Centre (Farmer Tag)

Learning about canola oil at the Canola Learning Centre - a game of Farmer Tag, and then time to head home. What a great day!! #eatwellcanolaoil #canolaconnect via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - Canola Learning Centre (identifying crops and seeds)

Learning about canola oil at the Canola Learning Centre - matching crops to their seeds. #eatwellcanolaoil #canolaconnect via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - Canola Learning Centre (making salad dressing)

Learning about canola oil at the Canola Learning Centre - making a dressing from canola oil, honey, mustard, and fresh dill! #eatwellcanolaoil #canolaconnect via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - Canola Learning Centre (learning about canola plants)

Learning about canola oil at the Canola Learning Centre - learning about how canola plants grow. #canolaconnect #eatwellcanolaoil via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - Canola Learning Centre (finding insects)

"What's in your net?!" via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - Canola Learning Centre (heading to the field to sweep for insects)

Learning about canola oil at the Canola Learning Centre - using sweep nets to sample the crops for insects (both good and bad). via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - Canola Learning Centre (crushing canola to make oil)

Learning about canola oil at the Canola Learning Centre - crushing canola to make canola oil! #canolaconnect #eatwellcanolaoil via Instagram

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The latest from our class Instagram account - 30x30 Challenge (post-challenge writing)

We were back working with our Grade 1 friends from Ms. Petersen's class again today. We started in the classroom by looking at photos of all the awesome things we did outside in the month of May for the #30x30challenge, and then the students went outside and wrote about what their favourite outdoor activities from the past month were #lovenature via Instagram