

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Friday, October 26, 2012


Over the past week or so, we have been talking about graphing, and how to make effective graphs that easily convey information to others. We started to work together at this be taking a survey on Monday of how many movies the students of Room 18 watched over their long weekend (not a long weekend for me - I was at SAGE on Friday, along with all of the other teachers in the province!). The students were each given a post-it note, and asked to put the total of movies watched on the weekend. The first thing we did was make a very crude, but effective graph on the board, using the actual post-it notes:

Then, I used the information to make a graph of the survey results in Excel:

Finally, I used the results of the survey to make a very basic infographic (it was my first, so don't laugh!), which are becoming increasingly popular way to share information in magazines, the newspaper, and on the web:

Weekend_movie-watching title=

I asked the students which one they preferred (and found easier to read) - which one do you think they chose?!

In the next few weeks, the plan is for Room 18 to start having a weekly graph, in which the survey and graphing will be conducted by pairs of students (with the responsibility rotating to different students every week). The students are quite excited to share their work with the other students in our school (on our bulletin board), as well as with the whole world (via our blog), as am I!

BTW... we did another survey yesterday, and today, as a class, the students directed me on how they wanted to make their first infographic - here is what they came up with:

Breakfast_drinks title=

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