It was a fun race and some of us ran with partners. - Jenna
When we were about to start the race, I told Mr. Hoeppner he wasn't a Grade 4 girl, and he said "SHHH! Don't tell anyone!". - Erika
When I was running, I tripped on the sand and I still went running. My old record was 86th place, and this time I got 48th place. - Joey
At the cross country run, I got in 64th place, and on the race Logan lost his shoe and I almost hit him. - Michael
Last time we went to the cross country run, I got a 2nd place, and this time I got in 2nd place again! - Hailey M.
In the race, there were lots and lots of holes, and there was a lot of people and a lot of poo. My shoe came off because I got pushed, but I still got a good place! After the race, I went down on my knees, then I went down on my face, and it felt like I didn't have any legs. - Logan
When we got to the cross country run, I was so excited and once I started to race, I started off jogging, and then I started to run a little faster. Once I got to the finish line I was pretty happy because I got a good place. - Dylan
When we got to the race, I picked a bouquet of flowers. I got to run and I couldn't even have a breath because I was running too hard, and I forgot that I have to jog first and then run. - Alexandra
After we ran, I went to go play soccer with my dad and he booted it really, really high, and you could barely see the soccer ball - it looked really, really tiny. - Braylin
After we had the Grade 4 boys run, I ate all my food and went playing frisbee. There was a really hard wind, and I threw the frisbee and it went super-duper high. - Gal
Today we went to our divisional Grade 3-6 cross-country meet (always one of my favourite days of the year!), which took place at Bird's Hill Park. It was an unseasonably warm day, but with a hurricane-like wind! The Grade 4's ran 1000m, and I had the pleasure of running with the girls (see Erika's comment above). I've included a few pictures of our run - enjoy!
(As a side note, I am very proud of the students of Room 18, as well as the rest of the Grade 3-5 students of Radisson - they were very well-behaved, and were excellent representatives of our school! Bravo!)
Walking to the starting line...
Waiting for the race to start...
...and they're off!
Running hard to the hill, and then turning right...
Under the bridge...
...and there's the finish line!
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