

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Paper slide videos on Fractions

About two weeks ago, after we had been doing some work with fractions, the students began to work on creating paper slide videos of their learning (the initial post where we talked about beginning the process is here). After the students completed filming yesterday, I sorted through their takes to find the best ones. The videos you see here are their finished products. The videos had their world premières this morning, as we watched them together after the students worked on today's Number of the Day (which was 848). I'm very proud of all of their hard work, and for a first attempt at these, I think they are really well done! After we watched the videos, the students came up with a list of ideas of what they would do differently next time (I've included a photo of their ideas, at the bottom of the post), in order to make their great paper slide videos even better. The students are very excited to share their videos with the world, so please watch them, and feel free to send us your comments (just click on 'comments' at the bottom of the post). Enjoy!

(list of ideas that the students thought would have made the videos even better)

1 comment:

Mrs. Dent Scarcello said...

I also LOVE this! The "in plain English" paper slide videos are so fantastic! Again, I was going to do this with my class this year... I will have to make sure it happens next year. Thanks for sharing, keep up the great June work;)