

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It's AWESOME! to publish!

Way back at the end of April, the students began working on their AWESOME! writing, based on The Book Of Awesome by Neil Pasricha, published in 2010. If you recall our original post (which can be found here), the idea of the book is to look all around you and see that, even if things are not going so well, there are many, little awesome things in your life. Some examples of things he describes as being AWESOME! are: the last day of school, sweatpants, going through the car wash with little kids, fixing electronics by smacking them, bedhead all day long, dangling your feet in water, the smell of freshly cut grass, and so on. The students were challenged to write about one AWESOME! thing, using the following structure:

- A title
- A hook/lead
- A paragraph (or more) describing the thought
- A closing (which is always 'AWESOME!')

Well, after brainstorming their own list of AWESOME! things, narrowing their great ideas down to one, writing, editing, and typing, saving, and sending me their final copies, the students have finally finished! They are very excited (as am I!) to share their AWESOME! writing with you. Please take the time to read them (they can be found by clicking on the AWESOME! writing tab at the top of the blog) - we dare you to make it through them without cracking a smile!

The Book of Awesome: Snow Days, Bakery Air, Finding Money in Your Pocket, and OtherSimple, BrilliantThings

1 comment:

Mrs. Dent Scarcello said...

I LOVE this! My class was planning to write a Book of Awesome but we ran out of time :(. Great job!