

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Surprise walk to DQ!

Even though it's the last week of school, we still have a lot of work to do (contrary to what a lot of people think!). The students have been working really hard at finishing their Grade 3 entries in their My Memories of Radisson School books, over the last couple of days - in fact, they have impressed and surprised me by just how hard they have been working, and how quietly they have been doing so (which makes it easier for everyone to finish their writing!). I decided that they needed a break this afternoon, from all of the hard work they have been doing lately, so we all walked down to the neighbourhood Dairy Queen for a treat. Everyone was definitely ready for some cold DQ-goodness, as it was a really warm afternoon!

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