

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Skyping with Mrs. Malkoske's class!

Today we Skyped with Mrs. Malkoske's class. They were telling us how to act when we are on Skype. After that, we asked questions about how to behave when Skyping, like not goofing around, not waving your hands around, and stuff like that. At the end when we were going to say goodbye, we asked them if we could read to them and they could read to us one-on-one on Skype some other time. - Hailey M. and Joey


Jett's Mommy said...

Where is Mrs. Malkoske's class?

JH said...

Mrs. Malkoske's class is at Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton School in East St. Paul, MB.

Taylor said...

hi it,s Taylor thank you for publishing my coment.hope you have fun skyping:from Taylor! :) :o :)

JH said...

Hi Taylor, we really miss you. How is your new school?

from Room 18