Today on a website, after lunch, we watched polar bear videos from Churchill. - Jenna
We did some cool magnet stuff. We used a compass to see what happens when we put it near a magnet. - Tyler
We had intramurals, Phys. Ed., and Health today - we've never had them all on the same day before. - Gall
At lunch, we had intramurals and we played Tchoukball. The score was 1-0. - Cam H.
In Science, one group's compass wasn't working right, so it gave them the wrong answers. - Hailey M.
After lunch, we did some research on how to save the polar bears. Tomorrow, over lunch recess, if we want to watch the video about the polar bears, we can stay in and watch with Mr. H. - Marie

Today, after lunch, we had the pleasure of watching the last portion of a live webcast from Churchill, all about polar bears. We tuned in to the webcast on Andy McKiel, who is the K-12 Technology Coordinator in the St. James-Assiniboia School Division (and my fabulous 2nd-year B.Ed. cooperating teacher!) is currently in Churchill with Edmodo, Polar Bears International, and a team of scientists from around the world. They are there to share the fall polar bear migration with the rest of the world. It was neat to watch the webcast, and hear Andy and the scientists answer questions live, as they came in on Edmodo, e-mail, and Twitter from different classrooms from around North America. Tomorrow is the last day of live webcasting - the webcast starts at 12:00 CST. I'll be watching in the classroom, along with any of my students who want to stay in for lunch to watch the webcast, as well. We'll be tuned in - will you?!
(Andy McKiel fielding questions from different North American classrooms)
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