

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Remembrance Day

Today at the Remembrance Day ceremony, we sang O Canada and Mrs. Cross read a book called 'My Wish For Tomorrow'. - Jenna
In our Remembrance Day SLC, a guy played the trumpet and we had a moment of silence so we can honour the ones who fought in the wars for us - the ones that came back, and the ones that died for our country. - Robyn
After morning recess, we went to a Remembrance Day SLC and some of the classes were singing songs. Mrs. Cross read a book about children's wishes. - Dasia
At our Remembrance Day SLC, the Grade 1/2 and Grade 2 classes said a poem called 'Hug o' War', the Grade 5's shared their wishes for tomorrow, and the Grade 4/5's sung a song called 'A Child Of The World'. - Cam H.
At the SLC, the Grade 5's made a Photostory with posters with their wishes for tomorrow. - Lexi


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