

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Friday, September 30, 2011

New carpet!

As I was out at a meeting for the last part of the day, I was unable to get the students to contribute to our blog today. However, we had some pretty big news in Room 18 today: we got a carpet for our meeting area. Now, I've never had a meeting area carpet before, but I thought we needed one - if the students are going to be sitting on the floor for extended periods of time while they take part in a lesson, it's going to be a lot more comfortable for them if they are sitting on a carpet vs. a hard tile floor. Since I've never had one before, I thought I should get a really good one. So here it is: pretty sweet, if you ask me... and the students, who were super-pumped to see it when they walked into the room this morning :)


Karla said...

Hello Rockin' Room 18!

Are any of you surprised by the carpet Mr. H chose for the classroom?? I'm not! By the end of the year, he'll likely have all of you wearing Jets jerseys to class on game days too!

I've been loving reading about your adventures. I notice that the book "Yoko" is on your virtual shelf. That has always been one of my favorite picture books! I just love that little "Cherry Blossom"!

Keep working hard!

(Mr. H's friend in Vancouver)

Ms. Nairn said...

Hi Rockin' Room 18,

This is my first visit to your blog and I have to say you are doing so many interesting things in your class. My grade 2 class also started a blog this year and they love seeing what other classes are doing with their blogs.

I think your new meeting carpet is great and I was curious to know how many students in your class are Winnipeg Jets fans.

Ms. Nairn

JH said...

We are pleased that you sent us a note, and everybody likes the Jets carpet. - Dylan

Almost everybody likes the Jets in our class. - Hailey M. and Taylor

Thank you Karla and Ms. Nairn for commenting on our blog. It's nice to know that people are reading about what we are doing. We hope you keep checking in! - Mr. H.