We had Math this morning, and worked on our Number of the Day books. Today we worked on them by ourselves. - Markus
We started reading on our own for the Daily 5 today. It was really quiet and calm in the class, and it was a lot of fun. - Dasia
We got to do Art today! We got to draw something really fun we did in the summer, and we wrote about it, too. - Robyn
Phys. Ed. was awesome! - Joey

We had another great day at school - it's hard to believe that the first (albeit short) week is over already. We had an action packed day, complete with Math, Reading, Art, Phys. Ed., and a fire drill! Over the last couple of days, we've talked about the three ways to read a book (read the words, read and talk about the pictures, retell a previously-read book) - we practiced these skills with the book 'Peg and the Whale'. We also talked about how to read to yourself independently, and why all of these things are important for becoming a better reader. After a fire drill caused us to pause our learning for a few minutes, the students started practicing their read-to-self skills. I was so impressed with the great job everybody did - you could have heard a pin drop in the room! It's going to make it so much easier for everybody in the class to improve their reading (and enjoy it more!), and for me to work with students one-on-one or in small groups, if the students can keep creating a calm and quiet environment like they did this morning. We're going to be working at building our stamina in reading independently over the next few weeks, in order to achieve this. I'm so proud of the students in Room 18 - keep it up!
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