

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

First rainy day!

We read to ourselves for 17 minutes in Daily 5 today! - Jenna and Dylan
We learned about CAFE today. - Logan
Today we had our first indoor recess, and some of us played pool. - Dasia
We extended Daily 5 after recess, instead of doing Social Studies. We are going to do Social Studies tomorrow. - Cam H.
We played a type of dodgeball in Phys. Ed. - Cameron W.
We learned a new song in choir. - Marie
The class is training for the cross country run. - Robyn
Cameron and I built a Lego house and a garage, and Dylan built a car for the garage at indoor recess. - Gal
We have a job board. Braylin and Hailey wash the tables at lunch. - Lexi
Mr. H. has lots of bobbleheads on his computer. - Tyler
Mr. H. has a Jets trophy by the window. - Braylin
Go, Jets, Go!!!! - Jett

See?! Just because it was raining outside, doesn't mean that we couldn't have fun inside! We got a lot of work done, too!

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