

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Recess Activity Day

Today was Recess Activity Day. We went outside, and there was a whole bunch of stations. There was soccer, football, switch, 4-square, Pepsi balls, Frisbee, and baseball, and it was really fun! - Cameron

After lunch, we had a special event, and it was RAD Day. Cameron and me were playing football, which was my favourite thing to play, and Evan was playing with us after. Then, after 10 minutes, Cameron and me went to play soccer. - Gal

Today at RAD Day, we had tether-ball, and we played basketball, and Cameron, Gal, Jacell, Dylan, and me were playing at the little basketball nets, and it kept falling down. - Alexandra

When we were playing soccer, Kurt kicked the ball and it went straight into the goal. Then, we kept playing, and then they got close to our net, and then I got hit in the face with the ball. I went to the office and got ice on my face. I couldn't feel my face, but now I'm alright. - Hailey M.

This afternoon, we had RAD (Recess Activity Day) at school. Ms. Hanna and the Grade 5 Leadership students set up stations for all of the students in the school, so that they could play with the equipment in the rotating recess activity bins, in order to learn the rules, practice the principles of fair play, and... to have fun! It was a great day to be outside - thanks to Ms. Hanna and the Leadership students for organizing the great afternoon for us!

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