

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


As posted last month, my friend Ms. Malkoske and I applied for and received a technology grant for our classrooms, which we used to purchase some iPod Touch devices... which should be here any day now! The main reason for wanting to get these devices into our classroom was to participate in an Instagram project that we came up with called #eduphotoaday (if you missed our post about Instagram, you can read it here). The project works like this: for each day during the month of May there is a word or a phrase. The students in the participating classes will take Instagram photos that represent that word or phrase. They will hashtag it with #eduphotoadaymay and with the word or phrase of the day. They next day, the students can look at all of the Instagrams from the previous day and use them as writing inspiration. The participating classes can then share their writing with each other, and leave comments under the photos that inspired them. We have classes from Kindergarten to Senior Years participating... and it's only been one day, so we're really excited to see where this goes, and how many classes end up participating! If you want to find out more about our project, check out the blog at

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