

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Writing, French, and Science - oh, my!

We had an absolutely action-packed day today! The students did a fantastic job in Writers' Workshop this morning, where they had to state whether or not they agreed with the statement 'Santa Claus is real', and then back up their opinion with their reasons (look for our 'Graph of the Week' in the upcoming days - it'll tell you the results of this!). Later on, we finished off the morning by having French class (again) with Mrs. Steinhoff's Grade 4/5 class. The students have been working in pairs to design a snowman, and describe it using only French. We'll continue working with Mrs. Steinhoff's class on this tomorrow. In the afternoon, we worked on Science, where we did some experiments for our unit on Light (ask your child to explain to you how light travels - that's what we worked on today). Thanks for working so hard today, Room 18!

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