

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

More time work

After the great group work the class did yesterday with telling time, they had a chance to 'show their skills' individually in the computer lab today - here are some of the activities the students were working on:
The students also had a chance to do some time paper and pencil work. When we started marking the assignment together as a class, I got the chance to break out the new IPEVO document camera that we have recently acquired for the classroom. The document camera allows me to have a paper (or demonstration, science experiment, etc.) on my desk, and then project it onto our SMART Board, making it much easier for the whole class to see. The class loves this new addition to the technology we have available in our room, and it made it much easier to talk about each of the questions on the paper, as I could show the class what I was talking about, instead of just talking about it - this allows visual and aural learners to easily follow along. I'm very happy we have this in the classroom, and look forward to making great use of it with the students!

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