

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

2-digit Multiplication

Today we had a desk-changing plan. I'm sitting with Denisse, Evan, and Kurt now. At Daily 5, Braylin and me were buddy reading. - Kyra
Before we had Phys. Ed., we had a desk change. I have Michael's old desk, Jenna has mine, Michael has Jenna's, and Hailey has her old desk. In the class, we all sit in groups of 4 now. - Joey
Today in Math we were trying to break numbers apart with multiplication. Let's say it's 34, you break it apart into 30 and 4. - Jenna
This afternoon, we had a recognition gathering, and we had the Kindergartens to Grade 3's recognized. One of the teachers came up and recognized the walking club. - Logan
This morning, we had Math, and we were talking about pulling apart numbers to see what number we'd get. If it was 23x2, then we would put 20x2, in brackets, plus 3x2, also in brackets, and we would add them up to get the answer. - Braylin

The students continued their multiplication work in Math this morning, where they once again were working to learn how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. Every day, the class is showing they understand this concept better and better - they are really impressing me with their learning!
After Math, the big excitement of the day was a new seating plan - we didn't just move students to different desks, though... we moved the desks into an entirely new arrangement! Previously, the desks were placed in a semi-circle sort of plan, with some additional desks in the middle of the semi-circle. The students are now sitting in pods of four, and the room feels much larger. It is easier to move around the room, and we have a bigger meeting area at the front... which shows off the awesome Winnipeg Jets carpet much better!


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