

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Monday, April 9, 2012

A busy Monday

It was another busy day today, as we 'got back at it' after the long weekend (which some of you are still enjoying - lucky!). We had spring picture day...

...we watched If The World Were A Village for Social Studies, as we have been, and will continue to, talk about what it's like for people who live elsewhere in the world...

...and we had time to work on our blogs!

Speaking of working on our blogs, today we talked about criteria for commenting on other blog posts.
I’m excited to see how many of the students are commenting on each other’s blogs – it shows that they’re not only interested in what they’re writing about, but what their classmates are writing about, too! However, we talked about how just simply making a comment like “Cool!” or “You’re awesome!” doesn’t make for interesting blogging, and won’t help the students to become better writers. When students write a comment, they need to:
  1. Give a compliment about the post
  2. Make a connection between the post and something that you like, or something that has happened to you
  3. Ask the blogger a question about their post
It was so exciting this weekend to see all the blogging that was going on - I already started to see an improvement in the quality of comments being made after our discussion, and just like the blog posts themselves, I'm really looking forward to seeing how they continue to improve, as the students of Room 18 become better writers!

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