

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Daily 5 conferences

I'm sure many of you have heard your children talking about Daily 5 in our classroom (and I've posted about it a number of times). What I am doing while your child is reading to someone else, reading on their own, writing, or working on word work? When I posed this question to my students at the beginning of the year, when we were talking about what Daily 5 is, and how it would work, one of my students said that he thought I'd stay at my computer and watch YouTube videos while they wre working (I had a good laugh, too!)! No, I am definitely not watching YouTube videos during this time! I get to spend most of my Daily 5 time meeting one-on-one with students, whether it's helping them with their word work, listening to them read and giving them strategies to help them improve, or having them share their latest writing with me, so that I can offer suggestions to them that will help them to become better writers. I'm pretty much glued to my iPad2 during this time, using it to make notes and keep track of how the students are improving (this is my first year with an iPad - I don't know how I functioned in the classroom before I had one!). This week, I've been meeting with a lot of students to talk about their writing - here's an action shot of one such meeting (I have to say... conferencing on the Jets carpet is a little more comfortable that plopping my frame on one of those little chairs!):

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