

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Last day of the week!

We filled in all the stickers on our road for playing fair and following the recess expectations, so we got to watch a movie, and the movie was 'Rio'. We also got hot chocolate when we came in from recess. - Braylin

Today in the gym we played floor hockey, and we were having teams. We are supposed to have real floor hockey starting on February 1st - real floor hockey is with captains that pick teams. The captains picked teams today in room 5 at lunch. - Gal

When the captains picked their teams for floor hockey, they had to pick all the girls first and then the boys. The captains in our class got to eat in room 5 after they picked. - Robyn

The captains picked team names - the team names are the Montreal Canadiens, the Winnipeg Jets, and the Pittsburgh Penguins. - Jett

It was an exciting day at Radisson today - the school has been working on positive playground expectations (such as lining up quickly when the bell goes; dressing for the cold - wearing boots, snowpants, mitts, a toque, a jacket; taking boots off on the carpet, when coming in from outside; etc.) for over a month, now (when it hasn't been too cold to go outside!). Teachers were on the lookout for students who were following the expectations at recess, and when teachers spotted a student exhibiting these good behaviours, they handed out a sticker to the student. The student took that sticker back to their classroom, and stuck on their piece of a 'road'. When the class got 30 stickers, that piece of 'road' was to be mounted on a bulletin board in our foyer. When every class got 30 stickers, the 'road' would be complete, and the whole school would get a reward. Yesterday, the 'road' was completed, as all the classes got their 30 stickers, so the students got their reward today - they all went down to the gym to watch 'Rio' on the big screen, and got hot chocolate when they came in from morning recess! The students were really excited when they found out on the announcements this morning that today was the day they would get their reward, and the teachers are all proud of our Radisson students for doing such a great job - way to go!

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