The students continued to work on their Science inquiries today. After last class, where we reviewed the scientific method and began to look at books to come up with ideas of what they might want to investigate, today they set about to come up with a question (relating to magnetism, gravity, or static electricity) that they wanted to find the answer to. I gave them some question starters to help them along - they included:
What happens if...?
Is it possible to...?
Can you use... to...?
Why does...?
It came down to the last minute for a couple of groups, but everyone was able to come up with a question to begin their experiments, and some groups have actually come up with their hypothesis (or a guess, for you non-scientists!), and have begun to design their experiments and record what supplies they'll need to carry them out. I'm so proud of the students - I can hardly wait to see them continue to move through the scientific process!
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