

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


For Art today, I had the students try something I haven't attempted with my class before - I had the students begin creating "Andy Warhol-esque" pieces, with a winter or Christmas theme. The students divided their paper into quarters and traced a winter/Christmas sketch, that they had created, onto each quarter. We talked about colours, and how each quarter was to be a different colour scheme. In the top left quarter, the students would use only primary colours (red, yellow and blue). In the top left quarter, they would use only secondary colours (orange, green and purple). In the lower right quarter, they would use only warm colours (red, yellow and orange), and in the lower left quarter, they would only use cool colours (blue, green and purple). Once that is finished, I'll have them cut the quarters and mount them on black construction paper, in order to 'frame' them. They still have some work to do, but they're starting to look pretty neat. I had planned to upload a few 'teaser' shots, but after fighting with my PC at work (I'm a Mac guy!) to get the photos up, I give up (I'll try from home later, if I have time) - I'll post the finished products on our Artsonia page, sometime next week.

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