

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

They blinded me... with SCIENCE!!!

Today we did Science in the Library. We had to sort out seven different things for the scientific method. We also did number of the day and we shared number sentences. We talked about using addition to subtract. We also did Daily 5, and we had to mark what we did. - Jacell and Cam W.

In Science, we started working on the Scientific Method (with Ms. Bell, our Library Teacher). For those of you who don't know, the Scientific Method is a way in which we can ask scientific questions, and get answers by conducting an experiment and making observations. The end product of this will (hopefully!) be that each group (the students have been placed into groups of 4 or 5) will come up with something they want to investigate, which relates to the unit in Science we've been working on, and a way in which to do so. The Science unit we've been working on is forces that attract and repel - magnetism, static electricity, and gravity. However, before the students can design and conduct their own experiments, they need to learn about the scientific method, so that they can be sure the results they get are accurate and valid. The first step today was to learn about these different steps, and see if they could put them into the right order...

Working with Ms. Bell, our Library teacher

Starting to put them into order...

Not quite there...

A great job by this group - they got them in the right order on the first try!

(BTW... bonus points if you know the inspiration for the title of today's post!)

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