As part of the 50th anniversary of
United Way Winnipeg, people are being encouraged to commit acts of '
conscious kindness' today. We talked about this as a class, and brainstormed some ideas of what we could do today - here's what we came up with:
Let someone have my stuffy (Douglas) for a day - Eric S.
Ask someone if they want to join in at soccer. - Brady
Ask a friend who I haven't seen for a while to come over after school. - Avery
I won't get upset when someone hits rope in tetherball, and won't leave the game. - Morgan
This afternoon at the corner store, I will tell the clerk to keep the change. - Tyrell
I will gather up toys and clothes that I don't need anymore for the Goodwill store. - Nolan
I will give put-ups and compliments to my family and friends. - Matthew
I am going to put a sticky note on my neighbour's door with a good message, and a little treat. Braedon
I'm going to read my little siblings favourite book to them. - Faith
I'll help someone practice their recorder at recess. - Connor
I'm going to make hot dog fettuccine Alfredo for my family today. - Kayleigh
I'm going to be a good neighbour today by cleaning their yard. - Emma
I will be kind to my family by going downstairs and not being annoying to my sister. - Robert
I'm going to help my mom when she has to take the dogs out, and feed them. - Jaida
I will help a classmate to clean up. - Avery
I will help my mom with the laundry. - Sara
I'm going to let someone cut in front of me at tetherball. - Albert
I paid for the coffee of the person behind me in the drive-through this morning, and at lunch, I'm going to Tim Hortons and I'll round up my purchase, and that money will go to help underprivileged kids go to camp. - Mr. H.
After we brainstormed our list, the students took sticky notes to create notes of kindness to spread around the school - here are some of them: