With the civic election happening today, it was the perfect time to talk about voting and the election process. We started yesterday by looking at all the candidates who are running for mayor in Winnipeg, and their platforms. The students then wrote about who they thought would be the best choice for mayor, and why, and then who they thought wouldn't make the best choice for mayor, and why. There were some very interesting, and well-thought out, responses (some of which you can see below). FYI, the students in the class narrowly 'elected' Robert Falcon-Oulette (it'll be interesting to see how this compares to the actual election today).

Today, we continued talking about the election by actually running an election. I told the students that I would provide $30 for a class party, but that we would have to decide as a class how to spend the money. So, after asking for volunteers to be candidates in our election, I picked 3 candidates. Along with an election team that they chose, they came up with platforms on how to spend the money, which they presented to the class. Next, the other students sprang into action to compile a voter list, made ballots, operate the polling station, and count the ballots. In the end, Kayleigh won a close election, with Braedon and Raina tying for second. I will be meeting with Kayleigh and her team next week to plan our party - we'll keep you posted! In the meantime, check out the photos of our election below.
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