

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Monday, September 15, 2014

International Dot Day!

Did you know that there is an International Dot Day?! Well... there is! It's based on the book The Dot by Peter Reynolds. In Art class today, we read the book, and then worked on a whole classroom art piece, based around dots! Each student was given a piece of paper with a big dot on it, and was tasked with decorating the dot, and the space around it, any way that they saw fit. Once they were finished, their papers (and dots) were cut into quarters, and randomly rearranged to create a piece where everyone's dots in the classroom came together in various ways. It was a lot of fun - check out the images below! If you'd like to find out more about The Dot and International Dot Day, you can read more about it here!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Hoeppner and the girls and boys in Room 18,
Enjoying reading your blog. The classroom looks great with the tables, and congratulations on your dot artwork! What a great idea, using the Dot book to get started. I love the bulletin board, with all the dots made from different students' artwork. I plan to continue to follow your blog, to see the great things going on in Room 18. Have a great year!
Mrs. Cross

JH said...

Hi Mrs. Cross,

So nice to hear from you! Sorry I missed your comment until now, but I was just telling the students about how many spam comments I get and ignore, and how sometimes I occasionally miss a really good comment... like yours! Oops!

The students just read your comment (and cheered when they saw it was from you!), and wanted to ask you a few questions - here are some of them:

How are you doing?
How is your retirement going?
Are you planning on going on any trips?
What did you do over the summer?
Are you planning on coming to visit Radisson School?
Do you have a pet?
Have you been spending time with your friends?
Are you getting to sleep in?

We miss you lots, and it was great to hear from you - hope we hear back soon!

Room 18 :)