

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Monarch Butterflies!

Yesterday, we were lucky enough to see the Monarch Butterflies that had hatched in our Library. The students wrote about it afterwards - we took what they wrote and combined it to describe what happened. Here is their account of the afternoon:

Yesterday at 1:00pm, we were invited to join Mrs. Hoskins and her class in the Library to see the Monarch Butterflies - there was a tomato cage with Monarch caterpillars and chrysalids for the past few weeks. Some of use were lucky enough to get to hold the butterflies. A lady who was an expert at working with Monarch Butterflies showed us how to test them to see if they are healthy. The expert taught us that there was a disease spreading among the butterflies. She showed us how you can put a sticker on a butterfly's wings to see if it makes it to Mexico from where you are. There were three butterflies, and one that had not hatched out of its chrysalis yet. Two of the butterflies were males, and one of them was a female. The males have dots on their wings, and the females do not. The butterflies have six legs, but you can only see four because they use the hidden legs only to pat on plants to see if they are milkweed. The expert told us that the Monarch butterflies are going extent because farmers and other people are killing the milkweed plants, which they need to eat and to lay their eggs on. When the females lay their eggs here, they die one to two weeks later, but when they lay the eggs in California, Texas, or Mexico, they can live up to nine months. We went outside and people got sugar water on their hands to try and keep the butterflies on their hands, but the butterflies flew away when we set them free - FREEDOM! At first the butterflies looked like they were flying the wrong way, but then they started going the other way, and are now going to Mexico (cha-cha-cha!). We will all miss the butterflies. After, we went outside to write about the butterflies, and what happened.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Lots of learning this week!

Things have been moving right along in Room 18, as we've had a great start to the year so far. We spent a couple of periods yesterday re-organizing our classroom library - the students did an amazing job of that, and it's now so much easier to find the books that they are looking for!

We've also been doing some learning in Social Studies around Canada. Today, the students were tasked with identifying the different provinces and territories, using an atlas to find them. For the most part, the students were able to do this with little trouble, and were excited to show their learning.

Lastly, we've started our Science unit on Light and Sound. Yesterday, we conducted an experiment where the students saw how light travels (in a straight line). To help demonstrate this, I misted some water in the air and shone a laser through the mist - there were a lot of 'ooohs' and 'ahhhhs'!

Monday, September 15, 2014

International Dot Day!

Did you know that there is an International Dot Day?! Well... there is! It's based on the book The Dot by Peter Reynolds. In Art class today, we read the book, and then worked on a whole classroom art piece, based around dots! Each student was given a piece of paper with a big dot on it, and was tasked with decorating the dot, and the space around it, any way that they saw fit. Once they were finished, their papers (and dots) were cut into quarters, and randomly rearranged to create a piece where everyone's dots in the classroom came together in various ways. It was a lot of fun - check out the images below! If you'd like to find out more about The Dot and International Dot Day, you can read more about it here!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First day of school - 2014-15

I can't believe that today was the first day of classes for the school year already - where did the summer go?! It was great to see everyone today, both familiar and new faces! Here's what some of the students thought about their first day back at school:

Today was fabulous because I like coming back to this classroom, and I like the changes that have been made. - Braedon

It was awesome today because we got to see our new classroom for the second time. The first time was at the end of last year, and it looked a lot different then. - Robert

Today was cool because I got to go into a teacher's room that I wanted to go into, from a different school last year - Westview School. - Eric S.

I like the classroom even better this year because of the changes that were made. I really liked where the white chairs moved to. - Faith

I was kind of nervous when I didn't know who was going to be in my class, but when I met everyone, I was OK with it. - Tyrell