

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

1SE: 1 Second Everyday (May 2014)

In April of this year, I attended a conference on technology put on by the Manitoba Teachers' Society called 'Awakening Possibilities'. One of the speakers I was really excited to see was Steve Dembo, who I'd been eagerly following on Twitter for quite a while. During his keynote presentation, he talked about an app someone had mentioned to him called 1SE (or 1 Second Everyday), and the wonderful experience he had in trying this for himself. Right away, I thought to myself "What an incredible way to document what goes on at school on a daily basis!" - so often, the days meld together, and we forget a lot of what we've done throughout the year. With 1SE (and I've been using it to create a personal video of my life, to share with friends and family, as well), each second acts like a placeholder, reminding us of some of the things we did on that day. And even though we won't remember the whole day, it helps us to remember a whole lot more than we would have, otherwise.

My plan with 1SE is to create a video every month, to summarize that month at school for our classroom (which will be approx. 20 seconds). At the end of the year, I plan on putting the whole year into one video (which will be approximately 3 minutes in length). I'm sorry I didn't find out about the app sooner, as I will only have video from May and June of this school year. However, I look forward to creating videos in the future, to help my students (and their parents) remember what they did during that year in school, because... let's face it... how much do YOU remember from Grade 3 or 4?! I certainly don't remember very much!

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