

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Room 18's Cardboard Arcade - introduction and planning

This week, we have begun the process of creating a cardboard math arcade in Room 18 (parents/guardians: this is what the note that I sent home earlier this week, which asked for your child to bring in supplies, was in regards to) What is this, you ask? Well... I could tell you, but the videos below do a much better job of explaining what it is, and where the inspiration came from. I strongly encourage you to watch them - I guarantee you'll be glad you did!

This first video is the amazing story of a boy named Caine, the cardboard arcade he created, and the incredible chain of events that took place when one person, by chance, stumbled onto his creation, and made a short film about it.

The second video shows what happened after the world began to see and be inspired by Caine's story, both in his life and in the lives of others.

Last year in my class, we took part in this initiative by participating in the first Cardboard Challenge/Day of Play last year, and it was a huge success! As a result, we are once again taking part this year in the 2nd Global Cardboard Challenge, and will be having our arcade 'open for business' on Monday, October 7th. The students have already started planning their games and bringing in supplies (check out the photos below), and are super-stoked... especially the ones who came and played at our arcade last year!

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