

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The first day of Grade 4!

Hello again! After a fantastic summer (that seemed to go by so quickly... as usual!), it's great to be back for another year in Room 18 at Radisson School! Things are going to be a little different for me this year, as after years of teaching Grade 3, I've 'graduated' to Grade 4! A lot of the routines and activities will be similar to what we did last year (with higher, Grade 4 expectations, of course!), but lots of things will be different. However, on the other hand, I was able to retain about two-thirds of the students I had in my class last year... which is great, as I was fortunate to have such a great group of Grade 3's! We have a couple of new faces to our school who have joined our class this year, as well as six students who were a part of the Grade 3/4 class at Radisson last year. All in all, it looks like another wonderful group of students to spend the next (nearly) 200 school days with, so I'm really looking forward to it!

We hope that you come back and visit our blog often this year, to see what goes on in our classroom on a daily (almost) basis. Here are some initial thoughts from the students of Room 18 (with one more student to join us tomorrow), on this first day of the 2012/13 school year:

Today at Radisson in Room 18, we got to decorate our own book bins for Daily 5 in our class. - Joey
We got new desks and new people in our class. - Alexandra
Today we got new pencil boxes with crayons and pencil crayons and pencils. - Michael
On the first day of Grade 4, we got to do a welcome and a welcome assembly - it was so fun! We also got to have Phys. Ed. on the first day. - Dylan
We got to decorate our big book bins, and I drew Plankton from Sponge Bob on mine. - Mikayla
Today we got to do a really fun Math game on the SmartBoard. - Jade
We're back!!! - Braylin
It's so, so awesome that we got to colour our own book bins, and me and Kurt scribbled all over ours. - Logan
In Gym, we got new Frisbees and they had toads on them, and they have chickens on them, and they have lobsters. - Lexi
Today in Gym, there was Frisbees and footballs, and I played with Kyra with the frisbee and the football. - Marie
I was really nervous to go back to school, and we got two new people in our class. - Ava
It was nice seeing everyone again! - Jacell
I am so happy to see my friends again! - Cameron
Today in Phys. Ed. we got to play with the Frisbees, and I played with Marie, and we only caught twice before, and then we played with the football, and then we had to go out for recess. - Kyra
In Phys. Ed. today, I played with Lexi with the Frisbee and the football. - Jenna
I played in the gym with my friend Michael, and scribbled all over my book bin. - Kurt
I had an awesome day! - Erika
In gym, me and Denisse were playing with the Frisbee, and I kept throwing it to her and she kept catching it. It was really fun! - Hailey M.
That was a really exciting day. I'm still scared to get a needle! - Gal
I am new to this school this year, and I was shy, but I made some great friends. - Denisse


Mrs T said...

Welcome back to blogging! Have a great year :)

Miss L
Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching

JH said...

Thanks - you, too!