

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Grade 1s/Mystery Motivator

The students of Room 18 had Music class first thing this morning. However, our classroom was not empty, as Ms. Klassen brought her Grade 1 students into Room 18 to use the SMARTBoard for a learning activity. Ms. Klassen has experience using a SMARTBoard, as she had one in her classroom in a school she previously taught in. She has been bringing her students into Room 18, on occasion, during periods when our students are in Phys. Ed., Library, or Music. It's great to see her doing this, and utilizing this excellent piece of technology to enhance her students' learning. I look forward to having the Grade 1 students come and visit our class again in the remaining weeks of the school year!

Meanwhile, at the end of the day, our students got to have their Mystery Motivator. They earned their 20th marble yesterday, and earned two periods of board games to finish off the last Wednesday of May (they were encouraged to bring in a board game from home). Apparently, Monopoly was a popular choice!

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