

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Friday, October 21, 2011

SAGE 2011

While all of my students had the day off from school today, I was busy learning with other teachers! SAGE (Special Area Groups for Educators) happens every year in Manitoba, in October. On this day, teachers from all over the province sign up to go to sessions of their choosing, dealing with a wide variety of educational topics. In years past, I have gone to sessions on Math and (mostly) Science. This year, however, I decided to do something different. I signed up for two sessions through MAME (Manitoba Association of Multi-age Educators). The morning session was all about blogging - seeing as how this is my first year of blogging with my students, I wanted to go to this session to see what new tips, tricks, and ideas I could pick up. It was a great morning, and if you look closely at our blog, you'll find a few new gadgets on the right-hand side of the page that I discovered and added! The session in the afternoon was all about free webtools that can be used with students in the classroom, or on my own to broaden my professional resources and contacts for learning more about 'Ed Tech' (educational technology). I'm not going to tell you what great tools I learned about this afternoon, because I don't want to 'ruin the surprise' when I decide to start using some of these in the classroom!

As a final note, the two presenters for both sessions were fantastic! They are both teachers in our school division - Erin Malkoske and Leslie Dent Scarcello. I highly recommend you check out their classroom blogs (hopefully, our classroom blog will one day be almost as good as these two!): and Thanks to Erin and Leslie for a great day!

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