1SE (or 1 Second Everyday) is an iOS app I've used for a few years, both in my classroom and in my home life. How it works is that it takes video that you've recorded (or photos, if you've forgotten to take video) and compiles it into a video where each day is represented by 1 second of video. This 1SE video represents our 2016-17 school year (with the exception of a few days where I was away from school... or just plum forgot!) in just under 3 minutes - we hope you enjoy it!
Speaking of the school year, it's hard to believe that it's over already - it's been a privilege to be able to teach this group of students, and it's been a privilege to teach once again at Bernie Wolfe Community School. Thank you to all of the students, staff, and parents who made my second year here such a great experience. I wish you all a great summer - see you again in the fall!