

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 22)

What a way to end off May and our 30x30 Nature Challenge, with our annual BWCS fundraising walkathon. We started off in the gym with a free lunch for all of the students, and then headed outside for a great afternoon of walking and hanging out together! I'm so proud of my students, as we made it outside every single day this month, rain or shine, hot or cold, and not one complaint! And even though the challenge ends today, we'll be spending plenty more time outside in June - stay tuned! #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 21)

Today's activity for the 30x30 Nature Challenge was reminiscing together about all of the different activities we've done for the challenge this month, and then each student writing about their favourite one. #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

Monday, May 29, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 20)

Not the warmest of May days, but we still made it out for the 30x30 Nature Challenge. The students estimated how many laps of the track they could complete with their partners in 30 minutes, and then walked/ran the track, keeping count of their laps using sticks that we handed to them. Most of them were surprised by how many more laps they did than they estimated that they would. #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

Friday, May 26, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 19)

What a great way to end the week, with the 30x30 Nature Challenge - we brought out our recess activity bins for the last period of the day, and let the students choose what they wanted to do. #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

Thursday, May 25, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 18)

It was super-windy outside today, so we decided to use it to our advantage for the 30x30 Nature Challenge - we flew paper airplanes! We started by watching a video Ms. Petersen showed us on how to make them, and then we went outside to let 'em fly!! #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - number sentences (571)

The students hadn't had a chance to share number sentences in a while - nice to see they haven't lost their touch! via Instagram

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 17)

No problem getting outside for an extra 30 minutes for the 30x30 Nature Challenge today - it was track and field day for grades 3-5! It was a great day to spend outdoors - lots of fun, fitness, and camaraderie! #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 16)

For the 30x30 Nature Challenge yesterday, Ms. Petersen's class and our class worked together to gather items from nature that they found on the ground and create art from it. Ms. Petersen and I were so impressed with the creativity that the students showed! #latergram #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

Friday, May 19, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 15)

We spent time in our school's fabulous outdoor classroom for the Nature Challenge today - the students talked with partners in Ms. Petersen's class about their favourite part of yesterday's Dancing in the Park, and then wrote and drew about it in their Nature Challenge journals. #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 14)

We got a whole lot of outdoors today for the 30x30 Nature Challenge, as we spent about 3 hours outside at our school division's annual 'Dancing in the Park' event. The students spend a few weeks in Phys. Ed. class learning different folk dances, and then we join together with other schools from our division to perform them together - always a great day! #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 13)

Math was the name of the game (literally) today, as we played a skip counting game outside for day 13 of the 30x30 Nature Challenge. The students skip-counted by 10s to 100 (they could count up by either one or two 10s) - whoever ended up with 100 as their number had to run to the basketball net (behind the camera in this photo) and back, and could then rejoin the game. Lots of laughing was heard during the game! #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 12)

We had a full day of indoor recesses, so it felt amazing to finally get outside for the 30x30 Nature Challenge late this afternoon with our Grade 2 buddies from Ms. Petersen's class. The rain let up enough for us to get out and walk/run around the track for a while. The students were so thrilled to finally make it outside that they started spontaneously cheering each other on as they finished their laps! (note: the students also made it outside for the challenge on Friday and Monday, but I was stuck inside for meetings both times, so I wasn't around to document it) #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - Fractions videos: picking our fractions foods

We've started planning out our 'Introduction to fractions' videos - today, the groups decided which food items they're going to use to describe the different types of fractions. There was a lot of excitement in the classroom! via Instagram

Friday, May 12, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 Riding The Wave Ignite event: Making Waves

I had the pleasure of attending the 'Making Waves' Ignite event in Gimli last night. Eight educators gave Ignite presentations, which are presentations that consist of 20 slides that are displayed for 15 seconds each (see if you can do the math on how long each presentation is!). It was so inspiring to hear these people speak on such a wide range of topics relating to education. A great evening of learning and reconnecting with educators I know from across our great province, and beyond. Thanks to @manace_manitoba for putting on the event, and to all the presenters for putting themselves 'out there' and doing such a great job! #teacherlife via Instagram

Thursday, May 11, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 9)

Today for the 30x30 Nature Challenge we did 'Nature Math' (as Callie called it). With our Grade 2 partners, we picked an item to collect from the schoolyard. We had 15 minutes to collect, and then we sorted our objects into groups and made multiplication problems with them. #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - Fraction Food

We've been talking a lot about fractions in Math lately - namely, fractions as part of an object, fractions as part of a set, and fractions as a whole. Today we brainstormed different foods that could fall into those categories... some of which may show up in a future fractions project 😉 via Instagram

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 8)

Reading or writing? The students got to choose this afternoon when we went outside for the 30x30 Nature Challenge. #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 7)

It was a little cool and breezy today, so we played a number of different games outside to keep warm for the 30x30 Nature Challenge. #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

Monday, May 8, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 6)

Today for the 30x30 Nature Challenge, the students worked together in pairs to brainstorm and record as many words relating to nature and being outside as they could think of. After, they used the pea gravel from the play structure to spell out some of their words (aside: the students were outside for Day 5 of the 30x30 Nature Challenge on Friday, but I was away from school, so there aren't any pictures from that day). #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

Thursday, May 4, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 4)

We headed out to our new outdoor classroom for the #30x30Challenge today. The students had conversations with their partners about their favourite things to do outside, and then wrote about them in their awesome new nature challenge journals that Ms. Petersen and Ms. Hamilton made up for us. #LoveNature via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - #Maythe4thbewithyou

We had lots of fun celebrating #starwarsday, aka #Maythe4thbewithyou - we watched Episode IV: A New Hope in our theatre, had some Star Wars snacks, and dressed up (well, some of us did!). Then in the afternoon, the students wrote about which character they would be and why. So much fun! via Instagram

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 3)

It was another great day to get outside for the 30x30 Nature Challenge! We started off by doing some brainstorming of different activities we could do outside at school for the challenge, and after that the students participated (with great enthusiasm!) in a nature scavenger hunt that Ms. Chin and Ms. Fuller helped to organize. #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - 2017 #30x30challenge (Day 2)

Today for the 30x30 Nature Challenge, we headed outside with our books to read with our Grade 2 friends in Ms. Petersen's class - what a great day to be outdoors! #30x30Challenge #LoveNature via Instagram

Monday, May 1, 2017

The latest from our class Instagram account - Join us for the #30x30challenge

Join our class and take the @davidsuzukifdn 30x30 Nature Challenge! #30x30challenge #lovenature #Repost @davidsuzukifdn with @repostapp ・・・ Connecting with #nature makes us happier, healthier and smarter — so David Suzuki challenges you to get outside for 30 minutes a day for 30 days in May. Take the #30x30Challenge! (link in bio) #LoveNature via Instagram

The latest from our class Instagram account - Music Monday/2017 #30x30challenge (Day 1)

Happy May! For the first day of the @davidsuzukifdn 30x30 Nature Challenge, we went outside with the rest of the school to celebrate #musicmonday - it was a beautiful afternoon to get out and sing! #lovenature #30x30challenge via Instagram