Today we read this book (it's based on a true story) in Social Studies. It's about an Inuit girl (Olemaun) in the olden days when they made Inuit and First Nations kids go away to live at school. They made her cut her hair and gave her a new name (Margaret). There was a nun and she tricked the girl and locked her in the basement once as a punishment. The nun and some of the other girls were mean to Margaret because she couldn't read when she first got there. The nun made Margaret do lots of chores. In the end she learned to read and it make her feel joyful and proud. We feel really sad that they made Inuit and First Nations kids like this go to schools where they forced them to do all this stuff and that they took them away from their parents. - the students of Mr. Hoeppner's class via Instagram http://ift.tt/2kbhDyr