We have just started reading Gordon Korman's 'Kidnapped' series. The two main characters are Aiden and Meg Falconer, who are brother and sister. Aiden is 15 years old, and Meg is 11. This series is the sequel to the 'On The Run' series that we just finished reading. In the 'On The Run' series, Aiden and Meg were on the run all over the United States, trying to stay ahead of the FBI and a mysterious man they named 'Hairless Joe', while they tried to prove that their parents (who were framed for spying on the government) were innocent. In the first book of 'Kidnapped', Aiden and Meg are trying to get back to their normal lives in Baltimore, MD when Meg gets abducted by strangers in masks, as her and Aiden were walking home from school. Now Aiden is trying to find Meg, along with the FBI - will they find her before it's too late? We're excited to find out!
- the students of Mr. Hoeppner's class