We have started our next 'AWESOME' writing project with Ms. Fazenda's class. We've been reading from Neil Pasricha's 'The Book of Awesome' and 'The Book of (Even More) Awesome'. Mr. Pasricha has a great way of celebrating some of those little things that happen to us in life that make us smile. Our end goal is to produce another compilation book of student writing (as we did before Christmas with procedural writing), with this one about the little things that we find awesome in our own lives. We're starting off by turning our bulletin board into the 'Bulletin Board of Awesomeness', and inviting everyone in the school to stop by and contribute their ideas - today, the students were writing the script of what they will say to introduce the idea to the school on the morning announcements and during their classroom visits. It's been great to see how enthusastically the students have gotten behind this idea, and we're excited to see where it leads us! via Instagram http://ift.tt/1JxdoW9