

We are a Grade 3 classroom at Bernie Wolfe Community School in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. We are excited to share what's going on in our classroom with all of our readers!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - addition and subtraction

In Math today, we talked about how addition and subtraction are related to each other. via Instagram

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - typing up our procedural writing

We are typing up our procedural writing today on the computers. When we are all finished we are going to print them all and make a big book of procedural writing from our class and Ms. Fazenda's class. It was lots of fun typing, and we are really excited to make the book! - Tom, Heldana, Cayden, Mikaela, and Angelina via Instagram

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - procedural writing update

Procedural writing update: on Monday, I brought my trailer to school to show to the students (to make a real-life connection to the procedure I had written about preparing it for a camping trip). After that, the students brainstormed a list of 'How To' topics that they were experts in, and then picked one to write about. The students are almost done writing the steps of their procedures, and then they'll move on to writing introductions and conclusions for them. Ms. Fazenda and I are so excited to see the great writing that our students are producing! via Instagram

Friday, November 13, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - World Kindness Day!

Did you know that today (Nov. 13) is #WorldKindnessDay? It's a day where people are extra kind to each other, whether they're friends and family or people that you don't know. We got some sticky notes and put compliments and nice pictures on them. After that, we stuck these kind notes all over the place in the school. We walked around the school quietly (like ninjas!) so that people wouldn't notice us because we wanted the notes to be a surprise! It felt really good and exciting to make somebody's day! - Mr. Hoeppner's students via Instagram

Monday, November 9, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - Remembrance Day

We were at an assembly this morning for Remembrance Day. All of the classes laid beautiful wreathes at the front of the gym. It was nice to have a veteran come to talk to us - his name was Lt. Col. Brown (this is a picture of him). He talked about when he was in the war, and he also told us about when his dad and grandfather went to fight in wars. We also got to look at pictures and hear different classes sing songs and talk about Remembrance Day, war, and peace - it was nice and calm. We really thank the veterans for serving us and for their sacrifice. - the students of Mr. Hoeppner's class via Instagram

Friday, November 6, 2015

Procedural writing - Mr. Eby brushes his teeth!

We finished our procedural writing with Ms. Fazenda's class on how to brush your teeth, and Mr. Eby (our Vice-principal) stopped by to test out our procedure. Mr. Eby did not know what our writing was about when we invited him to come, as we only told him that we wanted to share our writing with him. When he came to the class, we gave him some Halloween candy to eat. After he finished eating the candy, we turned on the projector and he found out what our procedural writing was about. Then we gave him a new toothbrush and toothpaste (that Ms. Fazenda bought for him). We read the steps out loud to him, and he followed along. It went really well, but there was a bit of a problem because we forgot a step - we forgot to write that you should turn off the water tap after rinsing the toothbrush (so water isn't wasted). Other than that, we pretty much nailed it. After he was finished, Mr. Eby talked to us for a few minutes about how important procedural writing is (helping us to learn things like how to brush your teeth, how to tie your shoes, how to make a sandwich, etc.), how good we've become at writing procedures as a group, and how most of us are ready to start our own procedural writing. Next, we will get to pick a topic that we are an expert in and write our own procedure about it. We are excited to finally start writing on our own! - the students of 3B

 via Instagram

Here is the procedure that the students of 3A and 3B wrote for how to brush your teeth:

How to brush your teeth
By: Ms. Fazenda, Mr. Hoeppner and the grade 3s at BWCS
Mmmmmmmmmmmm, Yummy! I love SUGAR!  Many of us love eating sugary treats, but these delights can cause cavities unless you make sure to properly clean your teeth afterwards. This is how to correctly brush your teeth:
1)            Get your toothbrush and your favorite toothpaste.
2)            Turn the tap on and wet your toothbrush with cold fresh water. (Be sure to turn the tap off when you are finished).
3)            Open the lid of the toothpaste and squirt a pea-sized drop of toothpaste on the bristles of your brush.
4)            Replace the lid of the toothpaste and put the toothpaste tube back in its proper place.
5)            Wet the toothbrush again (if desired) with fresh cold water.
6)            If you have an electric toothbrush, turn it on (otherwise move on to the next step).
7)            While gripping the toothbrush handle, put the bristled end of the toothbrush in your opened mouth.
8)            Touch the bristles to your lower left side molars and begin to move the brush in a circular motion.
9)            Continue to move the brush in a circular motion for two minutes, making sure to thoroughly brush all of your teeth during this time.
10)     If desired, spit the foam and extra toothpaste into the bathroom sink whenever necessary.
11)      Rinse the toothbrush bristles with cold fresh water and shake off the excess water from the brush into the sink.
12)     Put the toothbrush back in its proper place.
13)     Fill a cup with cold fresh water or with mouthwash.
14)     Rinse out your mouth with the water or mouthwash and spit it in the sink.
15)     Rinse the sink with water.
Now your teeth are sparkly clean. Keeping your teeth healthy and sugar-free is an excellent way to enjoy your favourite treats while still avoiding the dreaded dentist drill. Keep smiling! 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - number sentence-palooza!

We had a great time working with number sentences today - we started off by having everyone in the class share a number sentence that they came up with on their own. After that, the students worked in table groups in a number sentence competition, where the group with the most creative number sentence won treats... but the whole class worked so hard at this task that EVERYBODY got a treat! via Instagram

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Agriculture In The Classroom thank you letter

As we posted a couple of weeks ago, we were fortunate to have Agriculture In The Classroom (AITC) come to our school and provide breakfast to all of the students and staff (well over 500 people!), with the help of a number of producers and industry types who talked to the students about where their food comes from. Our class wrote a thank you letter to one of the participants that AITC brought that morning - here it is:

Dear Darren,

Thank you for taking the time to come to Bernie Wolfe Community School on October 22 to help give us a free meal! The breakfast was delicious... and maybe the best one ever! We loved the scrumptious pancakes with honey and butter, the fantastic sausages, the excellent hard-boiled eggs, and the awesome chocolate milk.

Thank you also for helping to teach us about where our food comes from. We learned that:

- dairy cows give us milk and butter
- chickens give us eggs
- flour for the pancakes comes from wheat
- sausage comes from pigs (as well as bacon... and hair for drywall - who knew?!)
- bees give us honey
- cooking oil comes from canola
- biodegradable plates and cutlery can be made from potatoes and corn (amazing!)

We very much appreciate all of your time and hard work - we really loved having you at our school.


Mr. Hoeppner's Grade 3 class at Bernie Wolfe Community School

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The latest from our class Instagram account - our Library rocks!

We love our Library - so many cozy spaces to curl up and read a good book or magazine. via Instagram