Yesterday, we were lucky enough to go and watch the TCI drama production of Beauty and the Beast. The students really enjoyed it, and did a great job of being a respectful and appreciative audience. Here are some of their comments on the play:
It was romantic because of all the kissing at the end. - Brady
It was really long - about two hours... but it was awesome. - Matthew
There was a lot of action in the play, and it was really awesome. - Avery
It was just like the real movie. - Faith
Some parts were scary, and some parts were cool, and some parts were singing. - Wesley
Belle's dress was beautiful because it was all pink - I expected it to be yellow, because in the movie, her dress was yellow. - Kayleigh
The wolves were funny when they chased Belle's dad behind the audience. - Braedon
All of the sound effects were very realistic. My favourite was when Belle's father's machine wouldn't work, and it exploded. - Connor
They did a really good job of acting, and they were bang-on with the sound effect - they did the action right when the sound effects happened. - Tyrell
They made it amazing when the Beast came back to life - they used a strobe light and a smoke machine. - Robert
I really liked it when Gaston and the Beast were fighting, because it was funny when Gaston tried to stab the Beast. - Eric S.
(waiting for the play to start)