How to eat lunch in the classroom
- lunch (food & drink)
- quiet activity (drawing, reading, writing, etc.)
1) If the teacher has chosen you to do so, wash the desks/tables in the room.
2) Line up to wash your hands, when the adult in the room tells you to do so.
3) Wash your hands with soap and water, and then dry them.
4) Go to your backpack to get your lunch, and then bring it to your desk in the classroom.
5) Wait until the lunch bell rings to start eating.
6) Eat your lunch. While you are eating, you may talk to your neighbours quietly.
6a) If you finish eating before the adult in charge dismisses you, you can do your quiet activity at your desk.
7) When the adult in charge dismisses you, put your garbage in the garbage can (and make sure you put recyclable items in the blue box), and go out into the hall and put any containers or leftover food back in your backpack.
8) If it is outdoor recess, get ready to go outside for lunch recess (make sure you are dressed properly for the weather). If it is indoor recess, come back into the classroom, and find an appropriate activity on your own or with friends (check the indoor recess activity list for ideas).
9) Line up at the doors your classroom normally uses to go outside. Wait for the supervisor to tell you to go outside. When he/she does, the person at the front of the line holds the door open, so that the rest of the students can go outside safely.
10) Have fun!